Saturday, August 7, 2010

One month until school...

This summer just seems to be flying by! As many of you know my kids were up at the grandparents this summer in the Sault, it lasted all of July which suprised me! I honestly thought the kids would be back in a week, but they were having too many good times to bothered being homesick. Sarah and I went up last week to pick up Ethan, but Ella was not ready to come home so she decided she would stay one more week on her own. I am happy to say she is coming home today. Our home has truly felt empty and quiet without our kids and it made Sarah and I wonder what we did before kids (our lives felt busy then, nothing compared to now!). We did enjoy a few days of sleeping in past the regular waking hour of 7:30am, going out for a dinner here and there at the ungodly hour of 8pm!!! and enjoyed some peaceful reading and watching TV, but that gets old quickly...

So the countdown begins to school. I like the month of August but I feel for the kids...those final few weeks before school starts can be bittersweet; you want to go back to see your friends and teachers, but those carefree days of summer are behind you and homework begins.

We will start the countdown and preparations soon, back to routine for the kids (which is good for all of us!).

Have a great weekend!


Dentist in West Linn said...

I too would be up for it!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the informative details of the dentistry importance. Hope the countdown and preparations has started for the dental check. Even we offer dental studies in Toronto for foreign dentist to learn and develop skills to serve patients in a better way.

Product Designers Delhi said...

Amazing blog and very interesting stuff you got here! I definitely learned a lot from reading through some of your earlier posts as well and decided to drop a comment on this one!

Stourbridge dentist said...

I love reading your blog posts, this one about going to school is particularly important. It's really important to children that they understand about cleaning their teeth and reducing sugar in their diets to prevent dental disease and diabetes as they get older. I know your post isn't specifically about kids, but it just reminded me of how important things are and how much we should talk to parents about children's oral health.