Monday, February 15, 2010

Canada wins first Olympic Gold!

I am sure many of you have been watching the Olympics as I have. Yesterday was such an amazing moment when Alex Bilodeau won the Olympic Gold for Canada in the moguls.

My kids are also enjoying the Olympic games as well! My son Ethan who is 2 loved watching the mogels and laughed as they 'bumped' back and forth down the hill. Ella who is 4 enjoyed watching the skating and asked me when she could start skating like that. I guess this is how it all starts for many children, viewing a sport whether on TV or live and then wanting to try it. Though I don't promote a lot of TV watching in our house, the Olympics are an exception.

Our family today will entail taking it easy, book reading, toy playing, cooking and of course, Olympic viewing.

Have a great family day!

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