Thursday, July 17, 2008

We are no longer just treating the mouth!

In the past our dental patients could only have their "mouth" treated in our office. We have reiterated so many times to so many patients how oral disease is so interrelated to systemic diseases like diabetes, stroke, low birth weight/preterm babies and the list keeps growing. So we had to think, how can we just not treat a mouth and how can we increase the health and wellness of our patients? Today we have finalized how we can make that happen, we have teamed with a state of the art fitness/wellness/spa that is a block away from us called Elite. This place is amazing, they have everything you could imagine under one roof, from spa services galore , to a well stocked gym, personal trainers, a yoga studio and they offer many classes like yoga, hip hop dance, bootcamps and salsa classes, the list goes on, you get the gist. Another great thing is that they have a massage therapist, physiotherapist, accupunturist and a naturopathic doctor on site. We are elated to offer our patients the full spectrum of health, fitness and wellness related services. Check out their website at,

Nadira who many know as our dental treatment coordinator is off to Cuba on Saturday! She is pretty excited as it will be her first time there. We were giving her a few tips about visiting the Caribbean, what seemed to come out of each and every one of our mouths was to bring Pepto Bismol. Now since she is going with hubby and her three children, maybe we should have informed her to bring 5 bottles of pepto, one for each member of the family. It seems having Montezuma's revenge is a common denominator for most visiting the Caribbean countries, even though most of us know what to eat and what to avoid when there. But doesn't having sun, sand and relaxation make up for a little Montezuma's? In my own situation it was mild and passed quickly, for others I have heard it hasn't been so easy. Oh, I hope Nadira has a good trip and Montezuma doesn't visit her or her family while there!

So I going to go relax a bit, it has been a long day!

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