Thursday, May 13, 2010

New simple test to detect periodontal disease...coming soon!

New Simple Test to Detect Periodontal Disease-patent pending

This article was in my inbox this morning and I must say I cannot wait until this product comes to Canada. To be able to prevent gingivitis and periodontitis, possibly before it even starts is simply amazing! As well, by treating a inflammatory disease before it starts would be great to help prevent other systemic illnesses which are inflammatory in nature, such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and rheumatoid arthritis (and many others). I will definitely add this to my practice once it is in Canada.

That's my news of the day!


Samuel said...

I really hate gingivitis. This can cause bad breath. Before, I had a problem with bleeding gums. I've visited my Bartlett TN dentist for some check ups. He said that one of the causes of bleeding gums is hard brushing of teeth. He advised me to choose soft-bristled toothbrush so that my gums won't get irrirated. I'm so thankful to my dentist(s) (Bartlett-based) because I'm able to avoid having periodontitis.

Dentist in West Linn said...

Wow this would be awesome! great post.

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